Monday, March 21, 2011

Little Wonders

Sometimes I think we get soo busy with our everyday lives that we don't see the little wonders that are everywhere.  Over the weekend, I took the time to see them and have photographed them for you too.  Enjoy!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Giveaway! Giveaway! Giveaway!

If you love a giveaway, please make sure to check this out over at Pink Martinis & Pearls.  She is giving away a Vera Bradley Slim Case in Folkloric, just like this:

The giveaway ends Sunday, March 13th at midnight so hurry on over and sign up!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Red Velvet Pancakes....

I just had to share this because I think it is pretty awesome.  Have you ever heard of Red Velvet pancakes?!?  No?  Well..... me neither!  The Griddle Cafe in Hollywood, California serves them up daily and you can even order the mix online!!  I mean, its like dessert for breakfast.  How cool is that?  This is probably going on my "to be purchased ASAP" list!

It even has powdered sugar & icing on top!!  :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I wasn't sure this was something I wanted to write about.  Its hard.  I wanted to share this though.  Its important. 

17 years ago today, I was 17 years old and a senior at St. John's High School.  17 years ago, life was pretty perfect.  17 years ago I was in the midst of picking out a prom dress, making plans for spring break and finishing up my college applications.  17 years ago today.....Chad died.  Chad is my step-brother. 

If I listen really hard, I can still hear "Hey Mickey" by Toni Basil playing in his room.  I hear him laughing because I wouldn't take the 3rd turn on the Bloody Mary mirror game.  I see us playing touch football in the hallway.  I remember us sneaking out to go to the gas station up the road to load up on junk food.  I hear Ms. Pac-Man chomping away and the sweetness of victory when I won a game (surely because he let me).  Fast forward a couple of years to Peach Beach.  I must have been around 15 or 16 years old.  I don't even know if I had a driver's license yet but I was driving Chad and some buddies to get something to eat.  Not too many years after that, he graduated, was living in Greenville and going to college.  Life was going just the way he wanted it.  He was really happy.  He was 20 years old when he was killed in a car accident.

I still have the Ms. Pac-Man game we played.  I pulled it out tonight and held it while all the memories from the past came rushing back.  I know Chad is in a better place but sometimes I wish that place was here instead.  RIP Chad..... we sure do miss you buddy.  You know that's right....

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

TRYING.... to be healthier!

I have been trying to make the choice to live a healthier lifestyle.  Here lately though, I seem to get sidetracked at every turn.  I bought a treadmill off of a friend in January.  After a couple of weeks of walking, I started the Couch to 5K and before too long, I had capsilitis.  For those of you who don't know what capsilitis is, it is when the ligaments in your toe become in flamed.  Treatment requires a shot of cortisone and rest.  I'm all healed now but when I get home in the afternoons, I don't want to walk or run.  I want to plant myself in front of the TV and catch up on the Bachelor, Housewives, or some other reality TV trash (that I love by the way!!).  

Since I was not feeling the healthy vibe last night, I decided to make fried pickles.  My sister-in-law makes the BEST fried pickles and shared her recipe, via, with me a couple of weeks ago.  I had been craving them so last night they finally made it to my deep fryer. (Does everyone own a deep fryer... or just unhealthy eaters???)  

Greasy Goodness!

Another shot of my unhealthy fried pickles
 but this time with spicy Ranch!

Since I was soo terribly unhealthy last night, I tried to start over again today with a healthy breakfast.  I always start out the days on a high but end eating crap like the above.....  Today I had a muenster cheese and Granny Smith apple sandwich with apple slices on the side.  See, I'm trying!! 

Maybe if I posted all of my meals on here I would begin to be a little more accountable for my actions.  I started using My Fitness Pal but slacked off a little lately.  Maybe I'll start again today.  No time like the present!!